dinsdag 23 maart 2010

Germany's Coming Energy Revolution

The article talks about Germany and their energy revolution which is one of the most forward looking revolutions in the world when we are talking about green energy.
Nowadays everybody is talking about the phenomenon of global warming and the possible solutions to solve these problems. One thing is sure: we have to reduce our emission of C02.

Germany has a lof of revolutionary and high technological plans to produce energy with a strong concern for the environment. The plan is to save energy by implementing technological appliances in our homes and companies.
Everybody knows the trend of placing solar panels on the roofs of our houses but the German plan goes much further than this. The inventors of the plan want to stimulate people to use energy when it is cheapest.

These days the Electricity age is uses in six German regions but they expect that the project will expand in the coming months.

If you knew that solar and wind energy are the future to produce energy in a cheap and green way we should not hesitate to invest in these energy sources, and why we can't go much further by implementing high technological energy saving systems in our homes and companies.

The whole project of the Electricity age is funded by big firms like Siemens,etc... and a lot of energy giants. The tests and the technological development were paid by the German government.
Experts and scientists expect that the energy revolution in Germany will be a big success in the coming years.

De Bruycker Mathias

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