vrijdag 26 februari 2010

Come visit the US - and create jobs!

Come visit the US - and create jobs.

Thursday the Travel Promotion Act was approved, it will create a nonprofit corporation to markets overseas visit to the US.
This venture will be funded by a $10 fee on foreign travelers and up to $100 million from the tourism industry.

The marketing campaigns funded by the act could attract an additional 1.6 million visitors a year which results in $4 billion in spending (by the tourists) and it could create up to 40 000 jobs.

The $10 fee (which you get once every 2 years when visiting the US) would only be charged to the tourists who are visiting from one of the 35 countries that don't need a visa to visit the US. These countries include most of the European countries but also Japan, Australia and South Korea.

Overseas travel to the US has gone down, the last few years due to this a lot of people have lost their jobs.

But by the act more people will come to the US and also their will be more jobs.

But not everybody is positive about the act. Some say that it's not needed because the US hasn't done it in the past so now they don't have to promote their country ether and that there are better decisions than this act.

This is a way that people can invest in the US without doing much or even paying for it. They just need to send in an document and let it be approved by the embassy. When all the papers or OK then the tourist can get a $10 fee.

I think this is a really good act. Because everyone who will visit the US had benefits and can help the American people in their own way.
Because a tourist spends a lot of money on his vacation and when you promote your country so that more people will visit. The economy will grow by the tourists who consume a lot. But also it will create more new jobs, jobs that serve every need of the tourist.

This act is a very good thing for the US as a country, for it's economy and for the people who are without a job.

The article that I based my text on:

Liesbeth Masschelein

1 opmerking:

Benny De Meyer zei

I don't think that these act will attract more tourists, because 10 dollar fee is not a lot in comparison with the prise of a trip to the US.
But if it really has a positive result, then it's good for the economy and the employment