zaterdag 20 februari 2010

Soros doubles investment in gold.

Soros doubles investment in gold.

US billionaire George Soros has more than doubles his investment in gold. He increased his holding in SPDR Gold Trust to 6.2 million shares. One ounce is now worth $1 100 which is $ 126,56 less than in December.

Just a week ago Soros said that gold may not be a good investment. But a while ago he also said that gold is the ultimate hedge against inflation.

The company of Soros also bought more shares in different areas suchs ass; seed producer Monsanto, Brazilian oil producer Petrobas and Wall street Citigroup.

If you think that Soros himself said that gold is ' the ultimate hedge against inflation ' it's just normal that he increased his shares in gold into his different holdings, surtenly when the inflation is rising to its highest point ever.

Many people will follow his example, due to is previous good results. When more people buy gold shares, the price of a share of gold will grow. When the economy is doing well it automatically has an impact on the inflation.

If this is a good solution against the inflation nobody knows at the moment. We will see after a few months what the impact will be on the inflation by investing in gold. I think investing in good and stable shares is a good thing. When shares are doing good so is the economy. The economy always has an impact on the inflation whether it good or bad.

My blog was based on this article:

Liesbeth Masschelein

1 opmerking:

Benny De Meyer zei

Gold is always known as a save investment, not only in times of inflation, but also when the economy is going bad. It always hold it's value, especially when the stock market is crashing.
George Soros is one of the richest of the world, so I think it's logical that he wants some extra security.