dinsdag 9 maart 2010

Israel 'to unveil plans to build nuclear power plant'

The article tells that Israel has a plan to build a new nuclear power plant. It is the Israeli Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau who will announce this at an energy forum in Paris.

The objective is to built a new power plant because Israel is now facing a crisis over electricity supplies. They are two options to settle this new nuclear power plant: in the south of the country or a reactor near the capital Tel Aviv.
On the other hand there are a lot of opponents against this nuclear project, especially environmental organisations because the construction and the use of such a project is very harmfull for the environment and the nature.

Nowadays Israel has two nuclear reactors and it is said that Israel makes nuclear weapons in this sort of "nuclear buildings". In my opinion Israel's main objective is to built new nuclear weapons to be protected against new potential conflicts in this area.
However Israel has always denied that they have plants to produce nuclear weapons, a lot of people have their doubts.

The only positive thing about this project is that Israel can provide in their need to electricity but in general the disadvantages win from the advantages.

The Israeli Minister will discuss the possibility to work together with France and Jordan to realise his project. France grew up to one of the world leaders in electricity production from nuclear power.
Israel wants to learn something from France but it is waiting what the future will bring for Israeli's nuclear project.

This blog is based on following article:

De Bruycker Mathias

1 opmerking:

Liesbeth Masschelein zei

I find it strange that while Belgium has been planning for years to close their nuclear power plant, that other countries like Israel are now building new ones.
Nuclear power plants are dangerous due to their toxic waist and they are very polluting for the environment.
I don't think that new power plants are a solution for the energy and electricity problems. I think they should try to find another way to produce energy.