maandag 22 februari 2010

Haiti earthquake: UN seeks records aid donations

The article" Haiti earthquake: UN seeks records aid donations" talks about the United Nations who has need $1.44 billion for humanitarian appeal to help the victims in Haiti. This amount is an absolute record for the reconstruction of an natural disaster followed by the Asian Tsunami in 2004.

It was Secretary-General Ban-Ki-Moon and Bill Clinton who have announced this appeal. They announced Haiti is the UN's main concern because the rainy season is coming and the situation will become worse if we not intervene immediately.

According to me the need to water, food and other basic products are the priority in these difficult times because more than one million people were left homeless by the earthquake.

A spokesman of the UN said that around $0.68 billion has been given for humanitarian help but special envoy Bill Clinton wants harder commitments of the donors; he said "if you are not able to give what you want, give less but give it".

I can understand his opinion but on the other hand the opponents have the right to know what's going to happen with the huge amounts that they invest for the reconstruction.

In my opinion the aid has to come very fast because the situation is untenable for millions of people who live there. Nowadays the assistance for such natural disaster isn't organised as it should be, for example we are not always able to reach the victims in the disaster area.

With this financial help I think we are able to solve or improve other problems such as employment and agriculture. Let's hope that the Haitians can lead a normal life in the near future!

This blog is based on the following article:

Mathias De Bruycker 2FV4

1 opmerking:

Niels Roels zei

Looking at the fact that the rainy season is coming and the situation will become even worse if Haïti doesn't receive any help, it is logic everyone is trying the best they can to help this country. Like Mathias said, the main concern at the moment is to get all the basic needs to Haïti. On long term however, Haïti must be able to provide in its own needs, so help aslo must be given to the actual rebuilt of the country.

Niels Roels